A chave simples para animes orion Unveiled

One of the main problems you will notice right out of the gate is its fan-fiction nature when it comes to it's writing. This was a massive problem in Ares that ultimately plagued it but Orion takes it to the next level to a point where became unbearable. The writing in Orion feels like it was written by a clumsy student who had pelo creativity and passion.

The worst part of all this is that they were doing okay for the first half of Orion, because once it got to the world tournament they ended up ADDING characters to the main team. Sure we also lost some characters along the way, but we ended with a surplus of characters. And that would have been okay if those new additions got the respect they deserved, but the moment that they had their place in the spotlight they were sidelined almost immediately after. And that, to me, is sadder than if they had not been brought on to the team to begin with...

Spade Arc: Orion appears very few times, and Heroine is hardly able to hear him. At the end of the arc,Heroine is pushed onto a small boat which becomes flooded, she stumbles and falls off, nearly drowning, and Orion attempts to save her but can not. The story will continue in the next arc.

It hurts, as a big Inazuma Eleven fan who watched the franchise ever since the first season of Inazuma Eleven was still airing, to give such a low rating for an Inazuma Eleven franchise. But... here we are.

Finally we Asuto who is without a question the worst character in the entire show. Not only he was one dimensional as hell but he was also downright infuriating to watch.

Kazemaru (My favourite OG character) went from being a competitive and loyal friend to Endou to a boring and hollow background character.

I won't mention it here due to heavy spoilers but I want you to imagine the worst type of plot twist. The type of plot twist that completely betrays everything that the show previously set up. The type of plot twist that rips off another series plot twists in the different continuity.

It had some good moments but those moments didn't save the anime from being painfully disappointing.

It would still be a massive disappointment due to it's character shafting and terrible plot but I wouldn't have been so mad at it but because of Asuto annoying presence I went from mildly disliking Orion to utterly despising it.

Well I don't know they are sort of time or money on the animation, but it is just worsening after each episode, definitionely not expected from animes such a shit animation.

I wish I was making this up. The show had the nerves to throw in politics in a series that was meant for kids. This wouldn't been a problem if the politics stuff was foreshadowed in Ares but nope it popped out of nowhere just like the rest of the so called plot twists in verifique aqui this show.

Maybe my hopes and expectations were too high and/or unrealistic for Orion, but the fact remains that I am disappointed with the final result. Helpful read more permalink

Let's not forget that he's a total numskull. He aggressively defends Ichihoshi even though everyone in the team is against him due to his nasty actions that he committed to the team. One of those actions almost had a teammate (Endou) killed and yet this asswipe still has the nerves to value him as a teammate.

Now if you thought the pacing in Ares was bad than guess what the pacing in Orion is somehow even worse. For a long semi-tournament arc we don't see the characters actually train let along bond with each other.

It doesn't help that the main villain of the show Irina Girikanan is so one dimensional. She is evil for the sake of being evil. She has pelo motivation whatsoever other than to use children from various countries to take over the world with her contrived Orion Foundation plan.

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